birthday · personal · Thoughts on...

Thoughts On… Friendship


“Understand that friends come and go,
But a precious few you should hold on.

Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle,
For as the older you get, the more you need the people
You knew when you were young.”


My best friend turned thirty yesterday.

She’s become something of a human pinball over the past decade, bouncing from London to Dublin to South America and back again. Her globetrotting has taken her to incredible places, where she’s done unforgettable things, and we’ve kept in touch through the wonder of the internet. We’ve known each other since we were very small, and after all these years all I can say is that I’m so proud to know her. I trust her with fears, hopes and secrets. She’s great for car chats, cinema trips and cocktails. She knows that the correct food for catch-ups is chocolate. She’s a badass with more of a sense of style in her little finger than I’ve accumulated in my entire life.

And she’s brave.

In a few days she moves to Dubai for a new adventure. I can’t wait to see her take on a new country, and I can’t wait to visit her once she’s settled in. It’s going to be amazing, and will hopefully lead to more success and love and laughter and great things in the next few years. When I think back at all the things we’ve done in our lives from sleepovers to summer camps, from movie nights to deep discussions in nightclub toilet cubicles… We’ve covered a lot of ground! There’s still so much out there for us to do though, and I think this is going to be the best time to do it. I think our thirties are going to be awesome!

Yesterday was her thirtieth birthday.

Here’s to another thirty!

11 thoughts on “Thoughts On… Friendship

  1. My thirties so far have been the best with regards to friends. With age you naturally begin to narrow down your circle finding the ones who bring out the best in you, the ones who lift and support, the real deal. Come thirty you are left with with an elite team of BFFs. Some of mine have been there since day one and others just a short time but feel like we’ve known each other our whole lives because we just click! Here’s to your bestie and all your future adventures! xo


  2. Thank goodness for technology. No matter where she is, you can chat and see each other. A happy birthday wish for your bestie, and to 30 more years (and beyond) of your friendship with her.


  3. Awesome post Quinn, as always! I envy your travels, you have some interesting friends. As do I, its pretty awesome having friends from all different backgrounds, cultures and countries. I’m glad I started my blog so I could meet interesting people like you and many other people from around the 🌏


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