Life Skills Unlocked · personal

Life Skills Unlocked: Proper Etiquette

Something happened last weekend that blew my mind: I realised that I have been eating incorrectly my entire life. But Quinn, I hear you say, if you have been managing to successfully manoeuvre food from your plate to your mouth for the past three decades, how can you possibly say you have been eating incorrectly?…… Continue reading Life Skills Unlocked: Proper Etiquette

so that happened · travel

Unplanned Paramedicine in Paris, France

We had just stumbled out of the Parisian bar Le Comptoir Général when it happened. As I reached the bank of the canal to join my friends, I went to glance back at the bar and turned just in time to watch a little hatchback brake suddenly, sending a pizza delivery guy smashing straight into the back of him.…… Continue reading Unplanned Paramedicine in Paris, France

Review · travel

Travel Review: Sensimar, Riviera Maya

When Scrubs and I walked out of Cancun airport, we were completely unprepared for the heat. I was wearing a thick grey woollen jumper and jeans and immediately started panting like a fat King Charles Spaniel. In hindsight it would have made a lot of sense to have changed into something summery on the plane.…… Continue reading Travel Review: Sensimar, Riviera Maya

Life Skills Unlocked

Life Skills Unlocked: Reading for Enjoyment

When I was a child, I would read books to teleport out of my life. One moment I would be lying in bed staring at the white ceiling, anxiety clawing at my throat, and the next I would be visiting prickly Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, or laughing at Dogmatix and his fondness for trees. My introduction to…… Continue reading Life Skills Unlocked: Reading for Enjoyment